Course Calendar

Rites of Passage Series

Death and Dying 20 -22 September 2024

The Rites of Passage series offers the opportunity to honour some of the major transitions of the Circle of Life through the healing art of craniosacral biodynamics and through individual and group ceremony.

Rites of passage have been used throughout history and across cultures to mark and celebrate transitions and the maturational process of individuals at different stages of their lives. These processes involve an experience of separating from what was, stepping into the unknown of a transition, and then arriving at a new incorporation of energy and development that empowers the next stage of life.

This 3 day post graduate course offers an exploration of the dying process, the final transition in a human life cycle. Table sessions will include immersion in the Long Tide, use of the voice and touch to connect and reassure, and an orientation to the dynamics of the Depths of Stillness. We’ll also look at ways to support the bereaved and take time to examine our own beliefs, attitudes and feelings about death. Opportunities for personal ceremony, a forest medicine walk and a Fire ceremony to honour our lineages are woven through the days, allowing participants the space to address their personal history and arising process with the support of the environment, alongside the refinement of craniosacral skills to support clients in navigating this particular life transition.

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